Friday, January 27, 2012

Throwing in the Towel.

This little challenge has been over ... well probably since it started.  I'm just going to dedicate myself to The Peattie Chronicle as I'm going to try to write at least once a week.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today, I went to my mom's for a couple of hours.  I also had my follow up appointment at the dentist for my wisdom teeth removal.  I was in and out in ten minutes.  They just looked at my gums and gave me a syringe to help clean food out.


I went to the nutritionist with Leslie, or rather she went and I took care of Dahlia.  Afterwards, we went to Costco where Leslie bought a few things.  Then we had lunch there.  I finally tried their chicken bake.  It was alright.


We went to Disneyland for a few hours.  Then, Jimmy dropped the bomb that he would be working on the 22nd, which just happens to be our four year anniversary.


Today, I took the last pill of my birth control.  Let the baby making begin.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today, I finally took the Christmas tree down.

Our living room grew in size.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today I got my wisdom teeth taken out.  It has not been nearly as bad or scary as I thought it would be.  Yay for that, not so much for the $410 out of pocket cost.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I have no idea what happened on the 3rd...

I'm realizing that the whole trying to do the picture a day thing is not going to work out too well for me because I live a pretty boring life.  I'm also really bad at getting things done.  Case in point, I have not actually posted a single picture on here.  I guess more than anything I should try to write about every day on here, and do my best with adding pictures.  Then there's also the whole balancing The Peattie Chronicle...

Anyway, I went to my mom's for a bit today.  That was after calling my dentist's office to see whether I would still be able to get my wisdom teeth taken out even though I have a cold.  They told me to go in and that the doctor would check me out and see if we could get the procedure done.  I'm really hoping we can get it over with tomorrow.  As of right now, I'm feeling better.  I haven't sneezed that much in the last few hours and I can actually breathe through my nose.  We have a baby making schedule to keep up with here!


I ended up sleeping a total of 13 straight hours.  After getting up to eat, I ended up going back to sleep for 2 hours.  We ate In 'n Out.  The burger was pretty good, the fries were yuck to me. 


I woke up feeling achy.  I thought it was just from my workout the day before.  I managed to get my butt to the gym.  Afterwards, I took a nap and continued dealing with the cold.  Jimmy and I went to Costco and picked up some groceries, then we went to Game Stop to pick up some controller thing for the Wii so that I could play with him.  We tried playing games, but I quickly hated it.  I suck at games, that's why I don't play them.  I ended up going to bed at 10 while Jimmy tried staying up to get used to his new night shift work schedule.


Jimmy and I went to the gym in the morning.  We had breakfast afterwards, pancakes and bacon.  I did laundry and he played video games all day on his computer.  I started fighting my cold.  Not easy considering I couldn't take any medicine because I didn't want to be considered to be on any medication before getting my wisdom teeth taken out.


Jimmy's car was sucking again, so he took my car to work.  I had Jaslene get dropped off at my apartment to keep me company.  Unfortunately, she was sick and in turn got me sick too. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today, I set up an appointment for a preconception consultation.  I also went with Leslie to Dahlia's doctor's appointment.  Poor baby got 2 shots and her finger pricked for a blood test.  I did well in distracting her for the finger prick, she just made a face at the end like "what was that?"  We didn't have the same luck with the two shots.  As soon as they laid her down and touched her legs, she started freaking out.  She cried pretty loud for a few minutes, but luckily was completely fine by the time we left, which was about 2 minutes after the fact.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Jimmy and I will soon start trying to have a baby.  We hope things work out and we get pregnant easily and quickly because we would like the baby to be born by the end of the year.  So, today we went out to pick up some things at Target, had lunch at Chili's, and then went to browse at Barnes and Noble where I picked up the book What to Expect When You're Expecting.  I am beyond nervous-excited!


I'm going to try to do the "picture a day" thing again.  Jimmy and I have some cool stuff planned for this year, so that and that it's a leap year, seems like a good year to try again.

Yesterday, January 1st, Jimmy and I hung out at home.  It was awesome.  I cleaned a bit and Jimmy put up my cork board for me.  It's exciting, to me at least, since I asked for one for Christmas.  What can I say, I'm easy to please.